Source code for drcme.load_data

The :mod:`drcme.load_data` module contains functions for loading
electrophysiology feature vectors processed by the `IPFX package
<>`_, as well as sPCA parameter files.
In particular, it loads in HDF5-format files containing feature vectors
processed by the :mod:`run_feature_vector_extraction script

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series
import logging
import json
import h5py
import os.path

def load_data(project="default", use_noise=False, dendrite_type="all", need_structure=True, include_dend_type_null=False,
    # Import data
    metadata = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_metadata_{:s}.csv".format(project)), index_col=0)

    specimen_ids = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_ids_{:s}.npy".format(project)))
    step_subthresh = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_step_subthresh_{:s}.npy".format(project)))
    subthresh_norm = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_subthresh_norm_{:s}.npy".format(project)))
#     ramp_subthresh = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_ramp_subthresh_{:s}.npy".format(project)))
    first_ap = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_first_ap_{:s}.npy".format(project)))
    spiking = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_spiking_{:s}.npy".format(project)))
    isi_shape = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_isi_shape_{:s}.npy".format(project)))
    if use_noise:
        noise = np.load(os.path.join(base_dir, "fv_noise_{:s}.npy".format(project)))"Starting with {:d} cells".format(len(specimen_ids)))

    # Deal with weird yet-to-be-debugged values
#     bad_ids = [501566512, 593610936]
    bad_ids = [611520287]
    mask = np.array([i not in bad_ids for i in specimen_ids])
    orig_n_ids = len(specimen_ids)
    n_f = len(first_ap[0])
    lens = np.array([len(f) for f in first_ap])
    tmp_mask = lens != n_f
    if len(specimen_ids) == orig_n_ids:
        specimen_ids = specimen_ids[mask]
    if len(step_subthresh) == orig_n_ids:
        step_subthresh = step_subthresh[mask]
    if len(subthresh_norm) == orig_n_ids:
        subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[mask]
#     if len(ramp_subthresh) == orig_n_ids:
#         ramp_subthresh = ramp_subthresh[mask]
    if len(first_ap) == orig_n_ids:
        first_ap = first_ap[mask]
    if len(spiking) == orig_n_ids:
        spiking = spiking[mask]
    if len(isi_shape) == orig_n_ids:
        isi_shape = isi_shape[mask]
    if use_noise and len(noise) == orig_n_ids:
        noise = noise[mask]

    if np.any(Series(specimen_ids).value_counts() > 1):"Handing duplicate specimen ids")
        mask = np.array([True] * len(specimen_ids))
        mask[np.flatnonzero(np.diff(specimen_ids) == 0)] = False

        specimen_ids = specimen_ids[mask]
        step_subthresh = step_subthresh[mask]
        subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[mask]
#         ramp_subthresh = ramp_subthresh[mask]
        first_ap = first_ap[mask]
        spiking = spiking[mask]
        isi_shape = isi_shape[mask]
        if use_noise:
            noise = noise[mask]

    problem_ramp_ap = np.all(first_ap[:, 300:450] == 0, axis=1)"Cells with problem ramp AP: {:d}".format(int(np.sum(problem_ramp_ap))))

    specimen_ids = specimen_ids[~problem_ramp_ap]
    step_subthresh = step_subthresh[~problem_ramp_ap, :]
    subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[~problem_ramp_ap, :]
#     ramp_subthresh = ramp_subthresh[~problem_ramp_ap, :]
    first_ap = first_ap[~problem_ramp_ap, :]
    spiking = spiking[~problem_ramp_ap, :]
    isi_shape = isi_shape[~problem_ramp_ap, :]

    if use_noise:"Using noise")
        noise = noise[~problem_ramp_ap]
        has_noise = np.array([arr is not None for arr in noise])
        noise = np.array(noise[has_noise].tolist())
        specimen_ids = specimen_ids[has_noise]
        step_subthresh = step_subthresh[has_noise, :]
        subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[has_noise, :]
#         ramp_subthresh = ramp_subthresh[has_noise, :]
        first_ap = first_ap[has_noise, :]
        spiking = spiking[has_noise, :]
        isi_shape = isi_shape[has_noise, :]

        problem_noise = (np.all(noise[:, np.arange(0, 150) + 0 * 1410 + 60 + 7 * 150] == 0, axis=1) |
                         np.all(noise[:, np.arange(0, 150) + 1 * 1410 + 60 + 7 * 150] == 0, axis=1) |
                         np.all(noise[:, np.arange(0, 150) + 2 * 1410 + 60 + 7 * 150] == 0, axis=1) |
                         np.all(noise[:, np.arange(0, 150) + 3 * 1410 + 60 + 7 * 150] == 0, axis=1))

        specimen_ids = specimen_ids[~problem_noise]
        step_subthresh = step_subthresh[~problem_noise, :]
        subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[~problem_noise, :]
#         ramp_subthresh = ramp_subthresh[~problem_noise, :]
        first_ap = first_ap[~problem_noise, :]
        spiking = spiking[~problem_noise, :]
        isi_shape = isi_shape[~problem_noise, :]
        noise = noise[~problem_noise, :]

    # Import metadata
    meta_df = metadata.set_index("specimen_id").loc[specimen_ids, :]
    meta_df.loc[meta_df["cre_reporter_status"].isnull(), "cre_reporter_status"] = "none"
    meta_df = merge_cre_lines(meta_df)
    meta_df["cre_w_status"] = "unlabeled"
    positive_ind = meta_df["cre_reporter_status"].str.endswith("positive")
    if positive_ind.any():
        meta_df.loc[positive_ind, "cre_w_status"] = meta_df.loc[positive_ind, "cre_line"]
    indeterminate_ind = meta_df["cre_reporter_status"].str.endswith("indeterminate")
    indeterminate_ind.fillna(False, inplace=True)
    if indeterminate_ind.any():
        meta_df.loc[indeterminate_ind, "cre_w_status"] = "indeterminate"
    struct_layer = {"1": "1", "2/3": "2/3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6a": "6", "6b": "6"}
    meta_df["layer"] = "unk"
    for sl in struct_layer:
        meta_df.loc[[s.endswith(sl) if type(s) == str else False for s in meta_df["structure"]], "layer"] = struct_layer[sl]
    meta_df["cre_layer"] = meta_df["cre_w_status"] + " " + meta_df["layer"]
    meta_df["dendrite_type"] = [s.replace("dendrite type - ", "") if type(s) is str else np.nan for s in meta_df["dendrite_type"]]"Cells with Cre status indeterminate: {:d}".format(np.sum(meta_df["cre_w_status"] == "indeterminate")))"Cells with dendrite type NA: {:d}".format(np.sum(meta_df["dendrite_type"] == "NA")))"Cells with both indeterminate Cre status and dendrite type NA: {:d}".format(np.sum((meta_df["cre_w_status"] == "indeterminate") & (meta_df["dendrite_type"] == "NA"))))

    inclusion_mask = filter_by_dendrite_and_structure(meta_df, need_structure,
        dendrite_type, include_dend_type_null)

    if limit_to_cortical_layers is not None:
        inclusion_mask = inclusion_mask & meta_df["cortex_layer"].isin(limit_to_cortical_layers)"Cells in restricted cortical layers: {:d}".format(int(np.sum(inclusion_mask))))

    specimen_ids = specimen_ids[inclusion_mask]
    step_subthresh = step_subthresh[inclusion_mask, :]
    subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[inclusion_mask, :]
#     ramp_subthresh = ramp_subthresh[inclusion_mask, :]
    first_ap = first_ap[inclusion_mask, :]
    spiking = spiking[inclusion_mask, :]
    isi_shape = isi_shape[inclusion_mask, :]
    if use_noise:
        noise = noise[inclusion_mask, :]
    meta_df = meta_df.loc[inclusion_mask, :]

    if restriction_file is not None:
        # Load file of IDs that the cells must be in
        restrict_ids = np.loadtxt(restriction_file)
        inclusion_mask = np.array([s in restrict_ids for s in specimen_ids])

        specimen_ids = specimen_ids[inclusion_mask]
        step_subthresh = step_subthresh[inclusion_mask, :]
        subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[inclusion_mask, :]
#         ramp_subthresh = ramp_subthresh[inclusion_mask, :]
        first_ap = first_ap[inclusion_mask, :]
        spiking = spiking[inclusion_mask, :]
        isi_shape = isi_shape[inclusion_mask, :]
        if use_noise:
            noise = noise[inclusion_mask, :]
        meta_df = meta_df.loc[inclusion_mask, :]

    spca_zht_params, step_num = define_spca_parameters(filename=params_file)

    if "spiking_inst_freq" in spca_zht_params and "inst_freq_norm" in spca_zht_params:
        indices = spca_zht_params["spiking_inst_freq"][3]
        logging.debug("calculating inst_freq_norm with step_num {:d}".format(step_num))
        inst_freq_norm = spiking[:, indices]
        n_steps = len(indices) // step_num
        for i in range(n_steps):
            row_max = inst_freq_norm[:, i * step_num:(i + 1) * step_num].max(axis=1)
            row_max[row_max == 0] = 1.
            inst_freq_norm[:, i * step_num:(i + 1) * step_num] = inst_freq_norm[:, i * step_num:(i + 1) * step_num] / row_max[:, None]
        inst_freq_norm = None

    return specimen_ids, first_ap, isi_shape, step_subthresh, subthresh_norm, spiking, inst_freq_norm, meta_df

def filter_by_dendrite_and_structure(meta_df, need_structure, dendrite_type, include_dend_type_null):
    """Create mask for cells that pass metadata filters

    metadata_df: DataFrame
        DataFrame of metadata
    need_structure: bool (optional, default False)
        Requires that structure is present (only used
        if metadata file is supplied)
    dendrite_type: str (optional, default 'all')
        Dendrite type for filtering ('all', 'spiny', 'aspiny') (only used
        if metadata file is supplied)
    include_dend_type_null: bool (optional, default True)
        Also include cells without a dendrite type available regardless of
        what `dendrite_type` is specified (only used
        if metadata file is supplied)

    inclusion_mask: array of shape (len(specimen_ids), )
        Boolean mask for filtered cells
    # Refine the data set
    if need_structure:"Requiring structure and dendrite type; excluding dendrite type = NA")
        if dendrite_type == "all":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (~meta_df["structure"].isnull()) &
                              (~meta_df["dendrite_type"].isnull()) &
                              (meta_df["dendrite_type"] != "NA"))
        elif dendrite_type == "spiny":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (~meta_df["structure"].isnull()) &
        elif dendrite_type == "aspiny":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (~meta_df["structure"].isnull()) &
                              (meta_df["dendrite_type"].isin(["aspiny", "sparsely spiny"])))
            raise ValueError("Not allowable value for dendrite type")"Cells with dendrite type and structure: {:d}".format(int(np.sum(inclusion_mask))))
    elif not include_dend_type_null:
        if dendrite_type == "all":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (~meta_df["dendrite_type"].isnull()) &
                              (meta_df["dendrite_type"] != "NA"))
        elif dendrite_type == "spiny":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
        elif dendrite_type == "aspiny":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (meta_df["dendrite_type"].isin(["aspiny", "sparsely spiny"])))
            raise ValueError("Not allowable value for dendrite type")"Requiring dendrite type; excluding dendrite type = NA")"Cells with dendrite type: {:d}".format(int(np.sum(inclusion_mask))))
        if dendrite_type == "all":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (meta_df["dendrite_type"].fillna("") != "NA"))
        elif dendrite_type == "spiny":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (meta_df["dendrite_type"].isin(["spiny"]) | meta_df["dendrite_type"].isnull()))
        elif dendrite_type == "aspiny":
            inclusion_mask = np.array((meta_df["cre_w_status"] != "indeterminate") &
                              (meta_df["dendrite_type"].isin(["aspiny", "sparsely spiny"]) | meta_df["dendrite_type"].isnull()))
            raise ValueError("Not allowable value for dendrite type")"Excluding dendrite type = NA")"Cells with dendrite type specified or missing (does not include NA): {:d}".format(int(np.sum(inclusion_mask))))

    return inclusion_mask

def load_organized_data(project, base_dir, params_file, dendrite_type,
                        use_noise=False, need_structure=False,
                        limit_to_cortical_layers=None):"in load_and_organize_data")
     meta_df) = load_data(project=project,

    data_for_spca = [
        {"data": first_ap,
         "part_keys": ["first_ap_v", "first_ap_dv"],
        {"data": isi_shape,
         "part_keys": ["isi_shape"],
        {"data": step_subthresh,
         "part_keys": ["step_subthresh"],
        {"data": subthresh_norm,
         "part_keys": ["subthresh_norm"],
        {"data": spiking,
         "part_keys": ["spiking_rate", "spiking_inst_freq", "spiking_updown", "spiking_peak_v",
                       "spiking_threshold_v", "spiking_width"],
    if use_noise:
            {"data": noise,
             "part_keys": ["noise_rate", "noise_inst_freq", "noise_updown", "noise_peak_v",
                           "noise_threshold_v", "noise_width"],

    if inst_freq_norm is not None:
            "data": inst_freq_norm,
            "part_keys": ["inst_freq_norm"],

    return data_for_spca, specimen_ids

[docs]def load_h5_data(h5_fv_file, params_file, metadata_file=None, dendrite_type="all", need_structure=False, need_ramp_spike=True, include_dend_type_null=True, limit_to_cortical_layers=None, id_file=None): """Load dictionary for sPCA processing from HDF5 file The data can also be filtered by several metadata values. Parameters ---------- h5_fv_file: str Path to feature vector HDF5 file params_file: str Path to sPCA parameters JSON file metadata_file: str, optional Path to metadata CSV file dendrite_type: {'all', 'spiny', 'aspiny'}, optional Dendrite type for filtering (only used if metadata file is supplied) need_structure: bool, optional Requires that structure is present (only used if metadata file is supplied) need_ramp_spike: bool, optional Requires that the ramp spike is non-zero (aka not missing) include_dend_type_null: bool, optional Also include cells without a dendrite type available regardless of what `dendrite_type` is specified (only used if metadata file is supplied) limit_to_cortical_layers: list, optional List of cortical layers that metadata must match for inclusion (only used if metadata file is supplied) id_file: str, optional Path to text file with IDs to use Returns ------- data_for_spca: dict Dictionary of data sets for sPCA analysis specimen_ids: array The specimen IDs for the cells in the data sets """ f = h5py.File(h5_fv_file, "r") spca_zht_params, step_num = define_spca_parameters(filename=params_file) specimen_ids = f["ids"][...]"Starting with {:d} cells".format(len(specimen_ids))) if need_ramp_spike: # Ramp waveform expected to be last # Identify cells with no ramp spike first_ap_v = f["first_ap_v"][...] # Expected to have three equal-length AP waveforms n_bins = first_ap_v.shape[1] // 3 ramp_mask = ~np.all(first_ap_v[:, -n_bins:] == 0, axis=1)"{} cells have no ramp AP".format(np.sum(ramp_mask == False))) else:"Including cells without ramp AP") ramp_mask = np.ones_like(specimen_ids).astype(bool) if metadata_file is not None: logging.debug("Using metadata file {}".format(metadata_file)) metadata = pd.read_csv(metadata_file, index_col=0) mask = mask_for_metadata(specimen_ids, metadata, dendrite_type, need_structure, include_dend_type_null, limit_to_cortical_layers) mask = mask & ramp_mask else: mask = ramp_mask if id_file is not None: with open(id_file, "r") as id_f: include_id_list = [int(line.strip("\n")) for line in id_f] id_mask = np.array([spec_id in include_id_list for spec_id in specimen_ids]) mask = mask & id_mask data_for_spca = {} for k in spca_zht_params: if k not in f.keys(): logging.debug("{} not found in HDF5 file".format(k)) continue data = f[k][mask, :] data_for_spca[k] = data # Calculate additional data set if requested if ("inst_freq" in spca_zht_params and "inst_freq_norm" in spca_zht_params and "inst_freq" in f.keys()): logging.debug("inst_freq_norm will be calculated from inst_freq") indices = spca_zht_params["inst_freq"][3] logging.debug("calculating inst_freq_norm with step_num {:d}".format(step_num)) inst_freq_data = f["inst_freq"][...] if indices is not None: inst_freq_norm = inst_freq_data[mask, :][:, indices] else: inst_freq_norm = inst_freq_data[mask, :] n_steps = len(indices) // step_num for i in range(n_steps): row_max = inst_freq_norm[:, i * step_num:(i + 1) * step_num].max(axis=1) row_max[row_max == 0] = 1. # handle divide-by-zero issues inst_freq_norm[:, i * step_num:(i + 1) * step_num] = inst_freq_norm[:, i * step_num:(i + 1) * step_num] / row_max[:, None] data_for_spca["inst_freq_norm"] = inst_freq_norm f.close() specimen_ids = specimen_ids[ramp_mask & mask]"Loaded data for {} cells".format(len(specimen_ids))) return data_for_spca, specimen_ids
def mask_for_metadata(specimen_ids, metadata_df, dendrite_type="all", need_structure=False, include_dend_type_null=True, limit_to_cortical_layers=None): """Create mask for cells that pass metadata filters Parameters ---------- specimen_ids: array Specimen IDs for cells to filter metadata_df: DataFrame DataFrame of metadata dendrite_type: {'all', 'spiny', 'aspiny'}, optional Dendrite type for filtering (only used if metadata file is supplied) need_structure: bool, optional Requires that structure is present (only used if metadata file is supplied) include_dend_type_null: bool, optional Also include cells without a dendrite type available regardless of what `dendrite_type` is specified (only used if metadata file is supplied) limit_to_cortical_layers: list, optional List of cortical layers that metadata must match for inclusion (only used if metadata file is supplied) Results ------- array Boolean mask for filtered cells with size `len(specimen_ids)`` """ # Limit to specimen_ids meta_df = metadata_df.set_index("specimen_id").loc[specimen_ids, :] # Reformat metadata information meta_df.loc[meta_df["cre_reporter_status"].isnull(), "cre_reporter_status"] = "none" meta_df = merge_cre_lines(meta_df) meta_df["cre_w_status"] = "unlabeled" positive_ind = meta_df["cre_reporter_status"].str.endswith("positive") if positive_ind.any(): meta_df.loc[positive_ind, "cre_w_status"] = meta_df.loc[positive_ind, "cre_line"] indeterminate_ind = meta_df["cre_reporter_status"].str.endswith("indeterminate") indeterminate_ind.fillna(False, inplace=True) if indeterminate_ind.any(): meta_df.loc[indeterminate_ind, "cre_w_status"] = "indeterminate" struct_layer = {"1": "1", "2/3": "2/3", "4": "4", "5": "5", "6a": "6", "6b": "6"} meta_df["layer"] = "unk" for sl in struct_layer: meta_df.loc[[s.endswith(sl) if type(s) == str else False for s in meta_df["structure"]], "layer"] = struct_layer[sl] meta_df["cre_layer"] = meta_df["cre_w_status"] + " " + meta_df["layer"] meta_df["dendrite_type"] = [s.replace("dendrite type - ", "") if type(s) is str else np.nan for s in meta_df["dendrite_type"]]"Cells with Cre status indeterminate: {:d}".format(np.sum(meta_df["cre_w_status"] == "indeterminate")))"Cells with dendrite type NA: {:d}".format(np.sum(meta_df["dendrite_type"] == "NA")))"Cells with both indeterminate Cre status and dendrite type NA: {:d}".format(np.sum((meta_df["cre_w_status"] == "indeterminate") & (meta_df["dendrite_type"] == "NA")))) dend_struct_mask = filter_by_dendrite_and_structure(meta_df, need_structure, dendrite_type, include_dend_type_null) if limit_to_cortical_layers is not None: layer_mask = meta_df["cortex_layer"].isin(limit_to_cortical_layers)"Cells in restricted cortical layers: {:d}".format(int(np.sum(inclusion_mask)))) else: layer_mask = np.ones_like(dend_struct_mask, dtype=bool) return dend_struct_mask & layer_mask
[docs]def define_spca_parameters(filename): """Load an sPCA parameters file The parameters file should be a set of keys with dictionaries as their values. Each dictionary must contain the following keys: - `n_components`: Number of components - `nonzero_component_list`: List of the number of non-zero loadings for each component - `use_corr`: Whether to scale the data by its standard deviation (true/false) - `range`: If null, all indices will be used. If a pair of values, the first value represents the first index and the second represents the index just after the last point (as in Python's slicing notation). If more than two, the first of each pair is the start index and the second is the index just after the end (this allows sections of the full feature vector to be excluded). The range is expanded into a list of indices by this function. Parameters ---------- filename : str Path to JSON file with sPCA parameters Returns ------- dict Contains key/tuple pairs. The tuple has the format (`n_components`, `nonzero_component_list`, `use_corr`, `indices`). """ with open(filename, "r") as f: json_data = json.load(f) spca_zht_params = {} for k in json_data: d = json_data[k] if d["range"] is None: indices = None elif len(d["range"]) == 2: indices = np.arange(d["range"][0], d["range"][1]) else: range_list = [] for a, b in zip(d["range"][:-1:2], d["range"][1::2]): range_list.append(np.arange(a, b)) indices = np.hstack(range_list) spca_zht_params[k] = ( d["n_components"], d["nonzero_component_list"], d["use_corr"], indices, ) if "inst_freq_norm" in json_data and "step_num" in json_data["inst_freq_norm"]: step_num = json_data["inst_freq_norm"]["step_num"] else: step_num = 50 # default value return spca_zht_params, step_num
def load_data_with_ids(id_list, project="T301", use_noise=False, dendrite_type="all"): (specimen_ids, first_ap, isi_shape, step_subthresh, subthresh_norm, spiking, inst_freq_norm, meta_df) = load_data(project=project, use_noise=use_noise, dendrite_type=dendrite_type, need_structure=False, include_dend_type_null=True) inclusion_mask = np.array([s in id_list for s in specimen_ids]) specimen_ids = specimen_ids[inclusion_mask] step_subthresh = step_subthresh[inclusion_mask, :] subthresh_norm = subthresh_norm[inclusion_mask, :] first_ap = first_ap[inclusion_mask, :] spiking = spiking[inclusion_mask, :] isi_shape = isi_shape[inclusion_mask, :] meta_df = meta_df.loc[inclusion_mask, :] inst_freq_norm = inst_freq_norm[inclusion_mask, :] return specimen_ids, first_ap, isi_shape, step_subthresh, subthresh_norm, spiking, inst_freq_norm, meta_df def merge_cre_lines(df): new_df = df.copy() lines_to_merge = { "Ntsr1-Cre": "Ntsr1-Cre_GN220", "Pvalb-IRES-Cre;Pvalb-IRES-Cre": "Pvalb-IRES-Cre", "Vip-IRES-Cre;Vip-IRES-Cre": "Vip-IRES-Cre", "Vipr2-IRES2-Cre;Vipr2-IRES2-Cre": "Vipr2-IRES2-Cre", "Chat-IRES-Cre-neo;Chat-IRES-Cre-neo": "Chat-IRES-Cre-neo", "Sst-IRES-FlpO;Nos1-CreERT2": "Nos1-CreERT2;Sst-IRES-FlpO", } new_df["cre_line"] = [lines_to_merge[c] if c in lines_to_merge else c for c in df["cre_line"]] return new_df